Why it’s important to clean your air ducts?
3/23/2016 (Permalink)
Cleaning you air ducts is an important part of maintaining good air quality. A typical home will generate and average of 40 pounds of dust each year. In the Milton and Braintree area we have our windows closed for a good part of the year because of the cold temperatures, helping keep that dust inside our homes. When it gets warm out, its pollen season, and this pollen can find its way inside our homes and HVAC systems.
While dirty ducts don’t necessarily mean unhealthy air in your home, school or workplace, they may be harboring contaminants that could cause problems for people with respiratory health conditions, autoimmune disorders or some environmental allergies.
Dirt and debris trapped in your HVAC system should also be removed not only for the quality of the indoor air, but for the efficiency of the system itself as a system with cleaner ducts will perform more efficiently.
It is also important to clean your air ducts if your house or workplace has been affected by fire, smoke, soot or mold. Any of these conditions may have affected air ducts as soot, smoke and mold spores can be airborne and end up in the duct system.
Having your heating and air conditioning system cleaned and replacing your systems filters with high quality filters can make a huge difference in the quality of the air that is circulating in your home.